Mentor/Mentee From Non-Competing Markets


To Help You LEVEL-UP Your Revenue Bracket

"Out of all of the feedback from our top CEOs, a place to collaborate with other CEOs & leaders within the industry was the MOST requested. As we strive to do every time our community expresses a need, we answer the call. PowerGroups is the perfect scenario for any leader looking to level up their business. If you're doing $8 Million in revenue and want to get to $15 million, PowerGroups has your back. Doing $20 million and want to break into the $40 million+? It's here! This is where iron sharpens iron. This is the POWERGROUPS!"

Greg Cummings, CEO

Guidance From Those Who Have Done It

The opportunity to learn and be hand-guided to new revenue levels from those who traveled the path doesn’t come around to often, if ever. POWERGROUP, like most of what Power100 offers is one of the first of its kind. It systematically provides an opportunity for CEOs to gain mentorship from other CEOs who are seasoned in the path they are currently traveling, allowing them to leverage the trials, tribulations, wins, loses, and lessons learned to short-cut their way to higher yearly revenue growth.

Why would a CEO be crazy enough to give away their hard earned secrets to help another CEO compete with them?

This is probably the most common question around. The short answer is simple. POWERGROUP systematically pairs CEOs in a mentor to mentee relationship, not only by revenue brackets, but also by the markets they operate in so there is minimum to zero overlaps or conflict of interest. 

Top 5 Benefits of Joining POWERGROUPS

The benefits of being involved with POWERGROUPS are endless. Many doors and opportunies can present themselves just by showing up. But, here are the 5 most noteworthy based on the feedback we’ve received from our top CEOs:



Benefit #1:

Positive relationships with like minded CEOs



Benefit #2:

Being connected with a Level-Up mentor CEO



Benefit #3:

Takeaway opportunities from CEOs that are doing it now



Benefit #4:

Valauble takeaways from CEOs that are doing it now



Benefit #5:

Complete exclusive access to the Power100 network

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